Privacy Legislation

On 25 may 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) known in Dutch as the
Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming replaces the current
legislation. The GDPR contains rules for processing personal data.

Which actions has Staffing MS taken to be ready for the GDPR?

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Privacy Statement has been adjusted conform the GDPR. The privacy statement is available on the Hiring Desk from 25 may.

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The data processing has been mapped in a register. The registers gives an overview which personal data Staffing MS processes.

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Privacy Officer appointed. De Privacy Officer supervises on compliancy with the GDPR. Staffing MS is mandatory to appoint a Privacy Officer with the arrival of the GDPR.

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Processor agreements are closed with the customers. Also we are working on the processor agreements for the suppliers and freelancers. Shortly this agreement has to be approved by registration for the Hiring Desk. For the current suppliers/freelancers this document will be uploaded in the digital file as soon as possible.

